Object-Oriented Multithreading Using C++

Published by:

John Wiley and Sons; 1 edition

Paperback: 512 pages

Publication Date: September 11, 1997

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0471180122

ISBN-13: 978-0471180128

Manufactured in the United States of America


A developer's guide to writing thread-safe object-oriented applications. Drawing on years of programming experience, Cameron and Tracey Hughes provide a building-block approach to developing multithreaded applications in C++. This book offers programmers the first comprehensive explanation of multithreading techniques and principles for objects and class libraries. It teaches C++ progammers everything they'll need to build applications that cooperate for system resources instead of competing. This invaluable reference shows you how to avoid common pitfalls of multithreading, whether you are programming in UNIX, Windows NT, or OS/2 environment. All major examples are implemented in each environment and supported by thorough explanations of object-oriented multithread architecture and incremental multithreading. On the disk, you'll find all of the source code contained in the book, important protocols and information resources, and a variety of multithreaded components ready to build into your own applications or class library.

From the Back Cover

Drawing on years of programming experience, Cameron and Tracey Hughes provide a building-block approach to developing multithreaded applications in C++. This book offers programmers the first comprehensive explanation of multithreading techniques and principles for objects and class libraries. It teaches C++ programmers everything they'll need to build applications that cooperate for system resources instead of competing.

This invaluable reference shows you how to avoid common pitfalls of multithreading, whether you're programming in UNIX, Windows NT, or OS/2 environment. All major examples are implemented in each environment and supported by thorough explanations of object-oriented multithread architecture and incremental multithreading.

You'll find a wealth of coverage on highly practical but little understood topics like:

Thread-safe container classes

POSIX threads and the new thread standard 1003.1c

STL algorithms and containers in multithread environments

C++ synchronization components

Object-oriented mutexes and semaphores

Avoiding deadlock and data race through encapsulation

Multithreaded application frameworks

Object-oriented pipe streams


Chapter 1: It Takes Two to Tango

Chapter 2: Bluetooth for MINDSTORMS NXT: A Closer Look

Chapter 3: One for All and All for One

Chapter 4: Creating a Team of Movers and Shakers

Chapter 5: Bluetooth programming in NXT-G and LabVIEW

Chapter 6: Robot environments, Teamwork Strategies, and Goals

Chapter 7: Give Your Team of robots Java power with leJOS

Chapter 8: Got Linux and Darwin on Your Team of Robots?

Chapter 9: Advanced Teamwork: One for All!

Chapter 10: Together We Stand: The Robot Convoy

Chapter 11: The CSI project

Appendix A: Standard Java Classes for leJOS Bluetooth

Appendix B: Bluetooth Robotic-Oriented Network (BRON) Team Members




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